Welcome to year five – the children have settled in beautifully and are really impressing me with their interest in the lessons and with their thirst for learning. We have begun our science topic- ‘Space’- and our history and geography topic – ‘Explorerers’. The class have been learning about the planets in our solar system and about the explorer Christopher Columbus. I am very impressed that some of the class have already started to bring in their homework. We are off to a great start!
In literacy, the class are learning how to write a warning story and we will be focussing on settings and creating suspense. The children have written some super cold writes this week which I have enjoyed reading. We have some good writers in year five.
P.E. lessons are on Monday and Friday this term. The children can come to school in their P.E. kits on these days.
Homework is due in on Fridays. If homework comes in earlier in the week, this is helpful and gives me more time to mark and appreciate the completed work. Homework books will be given back to the children at the end of the day on Fridays.
There will be a spelling test every Friday. Spelling lists are in the homework books. We begin this week with list one.
The children all have a reading book. Please encourage your children to read at home and record their efforts in the red reading diaries.
It was lovely to meet with many of you on the ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening. Here is the information which was covered, for those of you who were unable to attend.