Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your reception-aged child?

We are open for tours, please contact the office. For further information, see our admissions page.

Our After School Club runs everyday from 3.15pm until 6pm.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children receive healthy snacks and drinks and are involved in a range of exciting activities.

Pupils throughout the school have consistently good attitudes to learning and they work hard. They respect their teachers highly and say that learning is exciting.

Staff have responded positively to the much higher expectations and were quick to tell the inspector about their pride in working at Cogenhoe and about the successes they are achieving together.

Pupils wear their uniform with pride and are very supportive of each other.

Book your child's place for Forest School Easter Camp on 28th March via School Money!

01604 890380

01604 890380

Upcoming School events

Physical Education

Physical Education Intent:

At Cogenhoe Primary School it is our aim to cover a wide variety of sporting activities and deliver high quality PE lessons in a safe, supportive environment. Our aim for the children is to achieve their personal best and not fear competitive elements of sports, thus leading to a well-rounded sports person. We offer a holistic approach to Physical Education that includes healthy eating and mental wellbeing together with physical exercise. We are an Enhanced School with Northamptonshire Sport meaning we can offer a wider range of sporting activities and competitions. Our staff has access to high-quality subject specific CPD, to ensure they are equipped with the appropriate skills and knowledge needed to deliver high-quality lessons.

Our aims are:

  • To promote a holistic approach to a healthy mind and body – A wide range of indoor and outdoor activities will be taught, alongside sessions throughout the curriculum on healthy eating, knowing how to look after our bodies and mental health awareness, resulting in a longer and healthier life.
  • To encourage our children to be leaders – Our children will be shown how to respect and value rules and codes of conduct; understand the importance of responsibility; given opportunities to organise events and work as a team.
  • To develop physically literate individuals – Our children will be given knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy, physical activity by regular participation of sports in school alongside a variety of competitive events across the county

Please view our whole school overview for more in-depth information:

Physical Education Implementation:

At Cogenhoe Primary School our children will:

  • Receive a broad, balanced curriculum which is taught for a minimum of two hours per week, that increases confidence in the fundamental movement skills leading to a range of competitive sports.
  • Have access to school clubs (both paid and free) to allow children to practise a wide variety of sports before school, during the school day and after school.
  • Take part in a variety of competitions and festivals allowing children of all abilities to experience a wide variety of sports at a competitive level.
  • Take part in a wide range of activities and class-based learning focusing on well-being and nutrition.
  • Have access to structured sessions during the lunchtime on a daily basis.
  • Have access to extensive sporting facilities, including our Multi use games area (MUGA) which can be used all year round and our newly installed gym fitness equipment zone.
  • Have the opportunity to take part in bespoke tennis and cricket sessions with the Northampton County Lawn Tennis Club and Northants Cricket Club
  • Be actively encouraged to stay fit and healthy via our whole school Sports weeks, Sports day and our wider curriculum which features many opportunities for children to take part in and try new sporting activities
  • Have the opportunity to become a Sports Crew member; leading structured sessions for other children during lunchtime

We pride ourselves on our unique delivery of PE sessions, which include: archery, golf, boccia, tag rugby, basketball, netball, football, tennis, gymnastics and dance to name a few.


Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils participate in swimming lessons throughout the year at Barry Road Primary School, during the school day.

The curriculum states that all children should be able to swim at least 25 metres by the end of Year 6 and receive tuition regarding water safety.

What will the children need in order to swim?

Children will need a suitable swimming costume and a towel in a named plastic bag or swimming bag. Loose, baggy shorts are not suitable for boys. All children need to cover their hair with a swimming hat. All jewellery, including earrings must be removed. If your child has a verruca, please ensure they bring a verruca sock.

PE Kit

Your child requires an outdoor and indoor PE kit in school. The kit should stay at school at all times and will be sent home at the end of term. Please clearly label your child’s PE kit and check that your child’s trainers fit on a regular basis.

They require:


Shorts – Navy blue

White, Cogenhoe logo T-shirt

Plimsolls (optional in the case of verrucae)



A warm navy/blue tracksuit

White, Cogenhoe logo T-shirt

Trainers (not flat plimsolls for example Converse as these do not offer enough support to the feet)


Physical Education Impact:

Our children will leave Cogenhoe having had a wealth of opportunities to explore a wide variety of sports. They will be confident individuals who are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and truly value the importance of being part of a team and keeping their bodies fit and healty. Our children know and understand the types of sports that they prefer and a love of being active has been instilled in them to continue with their onward education. Our children have the ability to demonstrate determination to succeed and can learn from their mistakes to continue to improve when they lose. Our children love sport!