Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your reception-aged child?

We are open for tours, please contact the office. For further information, see our admissions page.

Our After School Club runs everyday from 3.15pm until 6pm.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children receive healthy snacks and drinks and are involved in a range of exciting activities.

Pupils throughout the school have consistently good attitudes to learning and they work hard. They respect their teachers highly and say that learning is exciting.

Staff have responded positively to the much higher expectations and were quick to tell the inspector about their pride in working at Cogenhoe and about the successes they are achieving together.

Pupils wear their uniform with pride and are very supportive of each other.

Book your child's place for Forest School Easter Camp on 28th March via School Money!

01604 890380

01604 890380

Upcoming School events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Year Two

WELCOME to Year 2 2023-2024

Attached are a variety of documents that will enable you to navigate your way through Year 3 a little easier. As always, if you have any questions, please speak to any of the class team in the playground before or after school, or if it will require a significant amount of time, please make an appointment with the school office.

Mrs Reeve and Miss Noble.

Meet the teachers 2023-24

Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Home Learning Term 1 – Capital Cities

Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter

Home Learning Term 2 – Treasure Hunters

Spring 1 curriculum news

Home Learning Term 3 – Wild Weather

Curriculum documents

Year 2 Spellings: The children will be tested on these 3 times a year

Year 2 Common Exception Words

Year 2 Curriculum statements:These are the expectations for Yr 2 for the end of the year

Yr 2 Reading comprehension

Yr 2 Reading word reading – spoken language

Yr 2 Writing composition

Yr 2 Writing spelling handwriting

Yr 2 Writing

Yr 2 Maths- Number Place Value Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division

Yr 2 Maths Properties of Shape Statistics Measurement


Handwriting skills in Year 2 are taught regularly and systematically through the use of the PENPALS Handwriting scheme (Cambridge University Press).

Five stages are identified and these form the basic organisation of the scheme:

  1. Readiness for writing: gross and fine motor skills leading to letter formation(Pre-school and Reception)
  2. Beginning to join (Upper KS1)
  3. Securing joins (Lower KS2)
  4. Practising speed and fluency (KS2)
  5. Presentation skills (KS2)

Year Two News

Year Two: Fitness First

Year Two: Fitness First

With Mr McGrady from NTFC, we focussed again on our fitness, and tried some different skills – on Mondays we should be worn out by the end of the day! Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school every day. We explored online bullying as a part of our...

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Year Two: What a performance!

Year Two: What a performance!

The children completed a wonderful performance of A Magical Christmas Journey to their grandparents this week, ready to do their performances to the rest of the school and parents next week. We finished our geography topic of Treasure Hunters, by completing a...

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Year Two: Exploring Cogenhoe

Year Two: Exploring Cogenhoe

Linked to our current theme of Treasure Hunters, we explored Cogenhoe using two different maps and learnt about the history of some of the place names. We had a wonderful time and saw our village in a different light. In our Literacy lessons, we wrote a persuasive...

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