Upcoming School events
Year Four
Year Four News
We have been busy getting to know each other, along with the new rules for Year 4, and we are delighted to report that all the children have settled in well and we are already getting excited for residential next week.
You will find the Meet the Teacher powerpoint, termly spellings, newsletter and homework grid on the website – these are the same as those I emailed out to you via Edulink.
I shall be using this page to share some of the learning we are doing, along with photos, so that you are aware of the various topics we are covering. Please be reminded to share your child’s achievements with me – they can bring in any medals or certificates on a Monday after the weekend – and we can celebrate these on our new Achievements Board. We have already had Grace Barnes completing her Project Conquer and Jack Wilson winning a medal and cup in a tennis tournament – see the photos below.
If you need to speak to me, I will be available most days before and after school. If you need to speak more privately, please make an appointment with the school office.
Kind regards
Mrs Jacobs