Welcome to our class five January update. Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your continued support with reading at home. We now have FIVE word millionaires ( a massive well done to Anna, Claudia, Edith, Logan and Imogen) and several other pupils are well on track to achieve this goal during the academic year. All word counts are going up and lots of progress is being made.
In science lessons we are continuing with the topic of materials this term and have been learning about thermal and electrical conductors and insulators. Ice cubes have been melted, thermometers have been used and a fair test investigation has been planned and executed, to find out which materials make good thermal insulators. The class have also been learning about chemical reactions, including burning. Under strict controls, they have burned metal wool and observed the irreversible changes.
Our new history/geography topic is Ancient Greece and the class have hunted on the playground for archaeological clues ( carefully planted!), have used laptops and books to research everyday life in Ancient Greece and have written diary accounts as either a child of Athens or a child of Sparta. We found the Spartan lifestyle the most exciting and controversial to learn about. They have also completed a mini study of how the architecture of Ancient Greece has influenced some grand buildings which we use today and have completed some beautiful watercolour and fine ink artwork depicting Greek temples.
We have begun our next music unit of work and are taking a look at the style of Old School Hiphop. We will be having lots of fun with rapping, playing instruments and composing.
Homework and spelling routines remain the same, thank you. Spelling tests on Friday;homework books in on Friday.
Swimming on Wednesday until half term.
P.E. lessons continue to be on Friday.