The Pre-school children were so excited to participate in ” World Book Day”. We had some amazing costumes and our wonderful teachers got the chance to dress up also.
In PSED, we were looking for signs of spring, we went for a walk around the village and saw beautiful yellow daffodils and white snowdrops.
In maths, we were discussing sequencing, it is the skill of breaking down an event or process into simple steps and putting those steps into logical order. We used the life cycle of a frog to follow this process which also embedded the signs of spring.
Meanwhile, the children have had fun exploring with different types of textures. Shaving foam was very popular, this helps the children develop fine motor skills and hand eye coordination, by picking up, moving and drawing with their fingers. The children described it as soft, smooth and cold, it looks like the clouds very fluff.
From Mrs. Walters
Pre-School Teacher