This week, the children have loved exploring the story Billy the Brave Knight. Using props, they enthusiastically re-enacted the tale, bringing the characters to life! Through this, they developed their speaking and listening skills, expanded their storytelling vocabulary, and deepened their understanding of story structure. They also impressed us by recognising links to other familiar stories, sharing their likes and dislikes, and learning key vocabulary, with the exciting challenge of using these new words in their everyday conversations to enhance their language development.
World Book Day reminded us all of the joy that reading and storytelling can bring. It was wonderful to see the children so inspired by books, supporting their love of reading and encouraging them to explore new stories.
In maths, we’ve been busy exploring measurement through activities focused on time, height, and length. The children worked hard to tackle the common misconception that something large isn’t always tall; what fantastic reasoning! This learning encouraged them to compare and describe objects accurately, developing their mathematical vocabulary and problem-solving skills. The children have also been exploring numbers to 10 and investigating number bonds to 10, helping the children to build their understanding of number relationships and develop their recall of key number facts.
This week, we had a wonderful reason to celebrate as the children successfully filled our star jar by consistently following Cogenhoe’s “Golden Rules.” To build on their understanding of British values, they took part in a democratic vote to choose their well-deserved reward. It was brilliant to see them actively participate in the process, learning about fairness and the importance of having their own voice.
We also marked Pancake Day with some tasty treats, creating a memorable and enjoyable experience that encouraged conversation and strengthened their understanding of cultural traditions.
Well done, everyone; what a fantastic week of learning!
Miss Hare
Reception Teacher