Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your reception-aged child?

We are open for tours, please contact the office. For further information, click here

Our After School Club runs everyday from 3.15pm until 6pm.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children receive healthy snacks and drinks and are involved in a range of exciting activities.

Our Breakfast Club runs everyday from 7.30am with early drop off avaiable from 8.30.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children will receive a healthy breakfast including nutritious drinks. They are also involved in a range of exciting activities. 

Ofsted Report

Pupils throughout the school have consistently good attitudes to learning and they work hard. They respect their teachers highly and say that learning is exciting.


Staff have responded positively to the much higher expectations and were quick to tell the inspector about their pride in working at Cogenhoe and about the successes they are achieving together.


Pupils wear their uniform with pride and are very supportive of each other.

01604 890380

01604 890380

Upcoming School events


 Cogenhoe Primary School is a vibrant and welcoming school, which is at the heart of the local community. We are a rural, single entry primary school, which currently has 210 children on roll from Pre-School to Year Six.

If you are still in the process of considering a school for your child, we are able to offer you a tour. Visits to our school are warmly welcomed. If you would like to arrange a tour of our school, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office on (01604) 890380, who will be able to arrange an appointment for you.

We are really looking forward to meeting our Cogenhoe parents and children of the future.

Admission Arrangements

Admissions Department- 0300 126 7000

Cogenhoe Primary School is an academy Primary School, part of the Nene Valley Partnership Multi-Academy Trust. Prior to academy conversion in September 2022, the Governors agreed to accept the Admission Policy guidelines produced by West Northamptonshire Council.

Children are admitted to school at the beginning of the school year (September – August ) in which they are 5.

The online application process opens in September and closes on 15th January. Parents are advised if they have been successful in securing a place on the 16th April or the next working day. Details of how late applications are dealt with can be found on the West Northamptonshire Council admissions webpages.

The PAN (pupil admission number) which has been determined for our school is 30. This is the number of pupils which can be accepted for each class unless Northamptonshire Admissions determine otherwise, usually following an appeal.

Oversubscription Criteria

Where there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  • Looked after and all previously looked after children who ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order)
  • Children who live in the linked area(s) of the school
  • Children with a sibling continuing at the school at the time of admission
  • Other children

For any In Year applications, please also refer to the West Northamptonshire Council Admissions website for detailed information on the transfer process including an application form and appeals timetable.


For details on how to appeal a decision on your child’s school place, please visit the West Northamptonshire Council School Appeals webpages.


Admissions arrangements 

Admission Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Admissions Policy 2026-2027