Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your reception-aged child?

We are open for tours, please contact the office. For further information, click here

Our After School Club runs everyday from 3.15pm until 6pm.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children receive healthy snacks and drinks and are involved in a range of exciting activities.

Our Breakfast Club runs everyday from 7.30am with early drop off avaiable from 8.30.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children will receive a healthy breakfast including nutritious drinks. They are also involved in a range of exciting activities. 

Ofsted Report

Pupils throughout the school have consistently good attitudes to learning and they work hard. They respect their teachers highly and say that learning is exciting.


Staff have responded positively to the much higher expectations and were quick to tell the inspector about their pride in working at Cogenhoe and about the successes they are achieving together.


Pupils wear their uniform with pride and are very supportive of each other.

01604 890380

01604 890380

Upcoming School events

Project Conquer

Can you conquer Cogenhoe?

In the 2019-2020 academic year, teachers, parents, Governors and pupils at Cogenhoe Primary all worked together to design and develop 100 non-academic skills, attributes and activities that all pupils will achieve by the time they leave in Year 6. Each year group will have 15 steps to achieve and these will be interwoven and celebrated alongside our whole school curriculum.

We understand that our pupils sometimes lack confidence, resilience and the understanding of certain skills which really will help to prepare them for the wider world. Our steps in each year group will help and give children the opportunity to work independently and in partnership with their parents and teachers to become well-rounded, informed and confident citizens, ready to contribute positively to the world around them.

Some of the steps are purely and simply just for fun! They are things that we are all guilty of taking for granted at times and we must still place importance on them and acknowledge them in this world and in our lives.

All of our pupils will be able to clearly demonstrate each step at least three times before a skill can be completed. All pupils will be presented with a special book which they will use to record all of their notes, pictures, photos, drawings and comments in.

Please see our steps below:



  1. Put on my own coat
  2. Help to make a snack
  3. Climb or balance at the park
  4. Play a throw and catch game with a friend
  5. Help to tidy up
  6. Play hide and seek with a group of friends
  7. Splash in a puddle
  8. Use cutlery appropriately
  9. Say please and thank you at the right time
  10. Take turns in a game and share



  1. Cut up own food using a knife and fork
  2. Tidy my things away when I have finished with them
  3. Collect something (conkers, leaves, stamps, magazines etc)
  4. Get changed by themselves and do up buttons
  5. Zip up your coat
  6. Fold your clothes in a neat pile
  7. Put your shoes on the right feet
  8. Go to the toilet by myself, flush and wash my hands properly
  9. Grow something from a seed
  10. Pay for something in a shop using money
  11. Do something that scares you (crawl through a tunnel)
  12. Sing or say at least 3 of nursery rhymes
  13. Build a den
  14. Clear my own things away from the table after a meal
  15. Talk to adults using full sentences


 Year 1

  1. Make my bed
  2. Have a technology free day
  3. Know and write my own address and full name
  4. Visit a farm and feed an animal
  5. Apply sun cream when needed
  6. Sing and dance in the rain
  7. Make a sandwich
  8. Play eye spy
  9. Brush and style own hair
  10. Have a night away from home with family or friends
  11. Say hello in three languages
  12. Go star gazing
  13. Blow my nose with a tissue and put it in the bin
  14. Hold the door open for somebody
  15. Try a new food


Year 2

  1. Tie my shoe laces
  2. Ride a bike without stabilisers
  3. Use scissors
  4. Make a hot drink with an adult
  5. Climb a tree (with adult supervision)
  6. Make a phone call
  7. Write a shopping list and buy some items
  8. Plan and have a picnic
  9. Walk or run a mile
  10. Cross the road safely
  11. Help with the washing up/dishwasher
  12. Share a traditional board game with a friend or adult
  13. Visit and take a book out of your local library
  14. Become an Eco Warrior at home and at school (turning lights off when you leave a room, turning the water tap off when you are brushing your teeth etc)
  15. Visit a museum


Year 3 

  1. Swim a length confidently
  2. Know how to and what happens if you dial 999
  3. Lay the table for a meal
  4. Make my own packed lunch or one for somebody else
  5. Get muddy and jump in puddles
  6. Watch a sun set
  7. Tell someone the way to school or to a local shop
  8. Go outside and find 5 different trees and name them
  9. Design and make a game for you and your friends to play
  10. Skip with a rope
  11. Play a card game with family
  12. Make a home for some wildlife
  13. Help with the recycling
  14. Get your own bag ready for school or an event
  15. Change my own bed covers


Year 4

  1. Grow something that you can eat
  2. Make something following a recipe
  3. Help with the laundry (pegging washing out, or hanging on airer or putting away)
  4. Go on public transport (train or bus)
  5. Wrap a present
  6. Learn and know my parents’ mobile number
  7. Tie 3 different knots
  8. Play pooh sticks
  9. Support a charity and raise at least £30
  10. Help with the housework (vacuum, mopping, dusting)
  11. Have a water fight
  12. Fly a kite
  13. Polish a pair of shoes
  14. Have an adult read me a whole story
  15. Order my own food at a restaurant


Year 5 

  1. Roll down a hill
  2. Use a tin opener
  3. Set my own alarm clock each day
  4. Recite a poem off by heart
  5. Have a tug of war
  6. Have a walk around a country park
  7. Find and enter a competition
  8. Read a magazine
  9. Plan something an assembly or something to share in an assembly
  10. Help in the school office for a lunch time
  11. Water plants
  12. Sew a button on
  13. Bake a cake
  14. Wash and dry my own hair
  15. Help an older relative/person with a task


Year 6 

  1. Cook a simple lunch
  2. Have responsibility for my own hygiene
  3. Ride a bike safely on the road
  4. Organise my own equipment for the day (pack my own bag)
  5. Take a walk in the woods (with an adult)
  6. Write and post a letter
  7. Write and send an e-mail
  8. Plan and cook a meal for the family
  9. Find out about your family history
  10. Go camping or spend the night in a tent
  11. Go a whole week without technology
  12. Read a timetable
  13. Use the washing machine and help sort the washing
  14. Use the iron and iron my uniform
  15. Build your own assault course and complete – can you beat your score