Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your reception-aged child?

We are open for tours, please contact the office. For further information, click here

Our After School Club runs everyday from 3.15pm until 6pm.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children receive healthy snacks and drinks and are involved in a range of exciting activities.

Our Breakfast Club runs everyday from 7.30am with early drop off avaiable from 8.30.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children will receive a healthy breakfast including nutritious drinks. They are also involved in a range of exciting activities. 

Ofsted Report

Pupils throughout the school have consistently good attitudes to learning and they work hard. They respect their teachers highly and say that learning is exciting.


Staff have responded positively to the much higher expectations and were quick to tell the inspector about their pride in working at Cogenhoe and about the successes they are achieving together.


Pupils wear their uniform with pride and are very supportive of each other.

01604 890380

01604 890380


Year Two: Exploring Cogenhoe

Year Two: Exploring Cogenhoe

Linked to our current theme of Treasure Hunters, we explored Cogenhoe using two different maps and learnt about the history of some of the place names. We had a wonderful time and saw our village in a different light. In our Literacy lessons, we wrote a persuasive...

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Year Three: 17.11.23

Year Three: 17.11.23

This week has been very exciting for everyone. Apart from our visit from Steve Backshall we have been carrying out mid term assessments in preparation for our zoom meetings.There has been Diwali themed dancing, acting out the story of Rama & Sita, which everyone...

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Year Three: 10.11.23

Year Three: 10.11.23

Our last 2 weeks have been very busy, and not too many photos taken.  Our Year 3 runners did incredibly well.  I hope they’ve told you. In our “Stunning Starter” Literacy lesson we started to grow crystals.  They began really well but they have been shown too much...

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Year Three: 20.10.23

Year Three: 20.10.23

This week has been a great finish to the first half term for all of us in Year  3.  We have finally got the hang of adding using hundreds, tens and ones!  I love that the children are enjoying their learning so much. Hopefully you have all heard about Skara Brae...

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Year Four: September 2023

Year Four: September 2023

We have had a busy few weeks back, welcoming our three new pupils as well as a new teaching assistant. Mrs Martin, who is new to Year 4, will be working with Year 4 at various times throughout the week. We also have Mrs Minney, known to all of the children, who will...

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