Year 1: 29.11.24
Wow, another hectic week at school. This week we have spent some time rehearsing for the nativity, as well as performing to the grandparents. We were absolutely fantastic! The rest of the week we have been working very hard! We have looked at both 2D and 3D shapes in...
Year 6: 25.11.24
Over the last few weeks, we have concluded our DAaRT programme. We have learnt about knife crime, solvent abuse and psychoactive substances. The children have written a final report about what they have learnt and how it will impact on their decision making as they...
Reception: 18-11-24
What an exciting week it’s been! In literacy, the children have been busy writing letters to Owl Mummy, asking her to come home. In maths, the children tackled the part-part-whole model, with the challenge to make both parts equal! They’ve really grasped how numbers...
Year 3: Big Vote Time
It was a BIG moment in the 2024 calendar this week, when we took part in the BIG VOTE. Our voting was linked to Parliament Week and the British Values of: Liberty and Democracy. The result to: Should the Prefects be in charge of school for a day? was announced in...
Year 1: 22.11.24
We have been exploring space a lot this week, both with our busy jobs and with our work in our books. We have had a lot of grammar lessons recently, focusing on structure or a sentence, adjectives, verbs and also correct grammatical order. We have been blowing Miss...
Year 1: 15.11.24
It has been a tiring week this week for year 1. We have spent a lot of time doing special quizzes this week, which we actually enjoyed doing, to Miss Sartain’s surprise. Not forgetting odd sock day on Tuesday, where we got to discuss the importance of difference. We...
Reception: 11.11.24
This week, the children have been really enjoying our focus story, Owl Babies, and have been picking up new vocabulary to describe the characters' feelings. It’s been wonderful to hear them talk about the story with such enthusiasm! In maths, the children have used...
Year 3: 14/10/24 Choose Respect
Over the past two weeks, we have had a busy start to the new term. We have become travellers again, but only in the virtual sense, as we have begun to explore the continent of Europe and learnt about some of the key physical features, such as: mountain ranges and...
Pre-School 15.11.24
This week in Rhyme Town, we visited the farm and sang Old MacDonald Had a Farm and Baa Baa Black Sheep—the children loved joining in with the actions and sounds! In Maths, we continued learning about 2D shapes and their properties, building on our knowledge and...
Year 1: 08.11.24
First week back has been a blast. We have started very strong on our space topic, showing so much interest and sharing our knowledge we have already. We have been having loads of fun in literacy lessons writing silly sentences! Finally, in maths we have been...
Year 4: 11-11-24 Remembrance Day
Year 4 have been analysing war poetry as part of our Remembrance Day activities. We looked in greater detail at the poem In Flanders Fields and were able to answer questions about it. We also spoke about why we wear poppies and the significance of this day. As part of...
Year 4: 08-11-24 Diwali Dance
In addition to our opera event, we also had the opportunity to recreate the story of Rama and Sita in dance form, as part of our celebrations of the Diwali festival of light. We were given moves to replicate actions and had work together to ensure we were all...