Year 1: 13.09.24
This week has been very busy, we’ve started our new song ‘hey you’ in our music lessons, explored rolling a ball in PE and discussed materials in Science. In our maths lessons we have been counting forwards and backwards, exploring one more and one less. In literacy,...
Year 5: 11.09.24
Welcome to year five – the children have settled in beautifully and are really impressing me with their interest in the lessons and with their thirst for learning. We have begun our science topic- ‘Space’- and our history and geography topic – ‘Explorerers’. The class...
Year 3: 11.09.24 – Step Back In Time
What a terrific start to Year 3! We have already discovered talking fruit, through our new Talk for Writing model text – The Papaya that spoke! Looking at our history unit of work, we became hunter/gathers and used our archery skills to catch our dinner…woollly...
Year 6: 06.09.24
This week we have launched our Science topic of Circuits. The children identified which circuit symbols represented which circuit component. They then attaempted to make a complete working circuit using a battery, wires and a component of either a bulb, buzzer or...
Year 4: 06.09.24
We have been busy getting to know each other, along with the new rules for Year 4, and we are delighted to report that all the children have settled in well and we are already getting excited for residential next week. You will find the Meet the Teacher powerpoint,...
Year 2: 06.09.24
What an exciting start to Year 2! The children started off our first topic ‘Capital Cities’ by exploring and tasting 4 different foods from the 4 countries in the UK. The children really enjoyed looking for clues as to where they were from. They actually got them all...
Year 1: 06.09.24
Wow, what a start! We have learnt about all the different areas in classrooms, what resources we have and how to use them. We talked about how we complete our busy jobs for our continuous provision and how to take photos using SeeSaw on the iPad! We have already...
Year 4 – End of Year
After a busy and exciting year, Mrs Minney and I would like to say a huge thank you to the entire class for giving us some incredible memories. We are extremely grateful for all the gifts and kind messages we have received and are looking forward to hearing all about...
Year Six – Day 4 Residential
Here are a couple more photos from day 4 of the amazing Year 6 Residential.
Year 6 – Day Five
We had somewhat of a lethargic start to the day today with many only just making it to breakfast. After destroying another box of Frosties and 132 loaves of bread we had the fun activity of packing and cleaning our tents. This was more work than any activity we had...
Year Six – Day Three and Four
Firstly, apologies for no day three update; I was too busy pushing children off their paddleboards. Day three was a hot one! And we were on-site, down by the river and in a sun trap – the local hospital was put on alert for the burns Mr Evans would probably be...
Year Six – Day Two – Caving and Curry
We started the day with a big breakfast of cereal, toast and yoghurt. Children are taking it in turns in groups of 3 to prepare the dining area and clean away after the meal. Barney’s hosting skills are on fire and I will certainly go to a party he is hosting if the...