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Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Religious Education
School vision
Inspire - ‘Inspire’ to provide our pupils with an engaging, bespoke curriculum which fosters a desire to keep learning because “education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”.
Aspire – ‘Aspire’ to ignite our pupils with dreams and aspirations that they know are within their reach.
Achieve – ‘Achieve’ is to ensure that all of our pupils successfully reach their academic goals through sheer hard work, determination and persistence.
Curriculum Vision – R.E.
To know about the world – to acquire and develop key knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions and world views represented in the United Kingdom.
To have high levels of oracy – children will develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious issues, responding in a clear and thoughtful manner.
To have ambition – children will be encouraged to investigate how beliefs, values and traditions influence individuals, communities, societies and cultures, both locally and in the United Kingdom.
R.E. Key Concepts
Reflect and make connections between different ideas
Recall facts and explain differences and interpretations within and between religions
Use critical thinking and evaluate big enquiry questions using supporting evidence
R.E. Intention
Through RE teaching we promote equality, diversity and understanding of the breadth of choices that individuals make. Children learn about and from religion and belief. Our intention is:
- to develop religious literacy;
- to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions and world views represented in the United Kingdom;
- to develop an understanding of the influence of the beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures;
- to develop attitudes of respect towards other people who hold views and beliefs different from their own;
- to develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgments about religious issues, with reference to the principal religions and world views represented locally and in the United Kingdom.
Religious literacy is the knowledge of, and ability to understand, religion, beliefs, practices, spiritual insights and secular world views. It plays an important part in preparing pupils for life in modern Britain. Its importance is increasing as globalisation has created greater links and migration between societies of different faiths and cultures. Someone who is religiously literate is able to talk with fluency and understanding about religion and belief. It is firmly rooted within educational practice.
R.E. Implementation
Throughout the RE curriculum, pupils will be encouraged to explore religions, engage with their knowledge, and reflect on their learning and their lives. Trips and visitors are incorporated into aspects of the RE curriculum to bring the faiths alive and ensure learning experiences are memorable for our pupils.
Our RE curriculum enables children:
- to develop their skills;
- to ask questions;
- to discover information;
- to approach new material with empathy;
- to reflect on their learning.
Following the locally agreed syllabus and supplementing our planning with Jigsaw resources, all of the Abrahamic religions are studied in KS1. Throughout Key Stage 2, all of the major religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism) and a secular world view (humanism) are studied. We revisit and repeat learning about different religions year on year so that children can build on their understanding, become knowledge rich and learning is embedded in long term memory.
The 2018 syllabus recommends that all key stages use ‘Enquiry’ methods when planning and delivering units of work.
- ‘Enquiry Questions’ are used as the focus for every topic
- use experiential and creative activities where pupils can develop their insight into the ‘experience’ of religion
- use reasoned argument and debate where pupils can explore controversial issues
- using investigative and interpretative skills where pupils need to gather, analyse and present information
- planning sequences enquiries to make sure pupils build effectively on prior learning and can see the relevance of their investigations
- the enquiry process allows pupils to progress in RE and this progression is defined and assessed.
R.E. Impact
Our curriculum design will promote equality, diversity and an understanding of all of the different religions for all pupils. Our children will leave Cogenhoe with an open mind and heart and have a strong understanding of the importance of celebrating differences. They will possess the skills, attitude and knowledge to equip them to make a positive contribution to our society as they mature.
There are two attainment targets in RE:
- Learning about religion and belief – Enquiring, investigating and understanding religions and beliefs. This includes thinking about and interpreting religious beliefs, teachings, sources, practices, ways of life and ways of expressing meaning with reference to the specific beliefs and religions studied.
- Learning from religion and belief – Questioning, exploring, reflecting upon and interpreting human experience in the light of religions and beliefs studied. This includes communicating reflections, responses and evaluations about questions of identity, belonging, diversity, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments, making increasingly insightful links to the specific religions studied.
At the end of each year, teachers are required to submit the levels of attainment for their children each year as to whether they have met the age-related expectations.
The following vocabulary is used:
- working towards,
- working at,
- exceeding,
National Curriculum Threads KS1
- To be able to talk about what concepts like belonging, commitment, kindness and forgiveness mean to me in my world
- To recall facts about religious beliefs I have studied, using appropriate vocabulary and start to explain the significance and meaning of practices
- To start thinking through the enquiry question, using facts, understanding there could be multiple answers
National Curriculum Threads KS2
- To explain how the various concepts resonate in my own life and see how this could differ in the lives of others
- To recall facts about religions and be able to interpret practises between religions
- To use balanced arguments to answer enquiry questions, giving evidence and reflecting on my thoughts and the thoughts of others
Please click on the link below to view our whole school progression map showing key knowledge and vocabulary taught:
RE Overview