Upcoming School events
Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Special educational needs & disabilities
Special Educational or Medical Needs
Cogenhoe is a truly inclusive school. We work closely with parents to ensure all members of our community, regardless of their abilities or disabilities can access and make the most out of our fantastic school. Where appropriate, we will make changes to the fabric of our school to accommodate children and staff with disabilities and where this is not practical, we will change how we operate to ensure that no one is disadvantaged by coming to our school.
Our Accessibility Plan describes the arrangements we have already made, and the further proposals planned, to improve physical access to the school, access to the curriculum and access to written information.
All children on the SEND register will have regular ADPR (assess, plan, review, do targets) alongside a one page profile. These are all accessible via edukey and we welcome parents to comment and be involved in their child’s learning plans.
More information about this is in our SEND newsletter and within our Parent Information Leaflet:
Parent Information Leaflet Autumn 2024
The school has a policy for supporting children with special educational needs which is revised every year. Our aim is for all children to have access to all aspects of school life, as far as is reasonable and practicable. Please see our SEN information Report below which complies with Section 69 (2) of the Children and Families Act 2014:
Accessibility Plan
SEND in the wider curriculum
Identifying SEND needs
Speech, Language and Communication
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Dyslexia and Processing
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
In order for effective partnership working between home and school to take place, we anticipate that parents will want to:
- inform the school at the earliest opportunity if their child has a disability and the exact nature of it;
- provide the information the school needs to plan effectively for the child to be a full member of the school community;
- acknowledge that when deciding whether an adjustment is reasonable, one of the factors the headteacher must consider is the effect of the proposed change on all members of the school community;
- recognise the importance of school and home working in partnership.
Miss Emma Noble is our school SEN Coordinator. Miss Noble is available via the main school email address or telephone number. In addition to this, we have several teaching assistants who work with SEN children, some of whom receive support on a 1:1 basis in class. We also have two teaching assistants who work with children with speech and language difficulties across the school.
The governor responsible for Special Educational Needs is Mrs Victoria Smith. If there is any concern about a child’s progress in learning, then parents are encouraged to contact the class teacher to discuss the nature of the difficulty and how the school can work together with the parents to meet the needs of the child.
Please click HERE to access the Northamptonshire County Council Local Offer.
Please click HERE to access the Information Advice Support Service for SEND in Northamptonshire.