Upcoming School events
Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Wrap Around Care
Cogenhoe Star Club
“The Cogenhoe Star Club” – Students Taking An active Role
Welcome back to the start of a brand new school year!
The Cogenhoe Star Club promises to continue to be full of lots of exciting activities and opportunities for your child to take part in.
Please have a look on our notice board outside of the school, where you will see a copy of our snack menu and our timetable of activities.
If you would like to come and join us, please do speak to a member of the school office team or our manager, Mrs Minney.
We offer supervision for all year groups everyday from 3.15pm-6pm. All places can be booked online via school money.
Please click here to view our After School Club parent and child contract:
We value your thoughts and opinions and would love to hear from you if you have a suggestion or would like to see a club featured that isn’t currently.
Star Club letter including terms and conditions
Due to popular demand, we are now offering a 4.15pm collection time as well as our usual 5.15pm and popular 6pm collection.
Wake and Shine Breakfast Club