Upcoming School events
Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Year Three
WELCOME to Year 3 2024
Attached are a variety of documents that will enable you to navigate your way through Year 3 a little easier. As always, if you have any questions, please speak to any of the class team in the playground before or after school, or if it will require a significant amount of time, please make an appointment with the school office.
Mrs Reeve and Ms Fraser
Meet the Teacher Presentation:
Meet the Teacher
Year 3 Objectives
Maths objectives
Writing and reading objectives
As directed from the government, these are words children should be able to read, spell and use confidently by the end of Year 4.
Year 3 4 Word list
Stone Age Home Learning
Exploring Europe Home Learning
Homelearning Grid – Egyptians
Exploring International Trade Home Learning
Autumn Newsletter – Year 3
Autumn 2 Newsletter – Year 3
Spring 1 Newsletter – Year 3
Spring 2 Newsletter – Year 3
Handwriting skills in Year 3 are taught regularly and systematically through the use of the PENPALS Handwriting scheme (Cambridge University Press).
Five stages are identified and these form the basic organisation of the scheme:
- Readiness for writing: gross and fine motor skills leading to letter formation(Pre-school and Reception)
- Beginning to join (Upper KS1)
- Securing joins (Lower KS2)
- Practising speed and fluency (KS2)
- Presentation skills (KS2)
Year 3 Blog 2024 – 2025
Year 3: Big Vote Time
It was a BIG moment in the 2024 calendar this week, when we took part in the BIG VOTE. Our voting was linked to Parliament Week and the British Values of: Liberty and Democracy. The result to: Should the Prefects be in charge of school for a day? was announced in...
Year 3: 14/10/24 Choose Respect
Over the past two weeks, we have had a busy start to the new term. We have become travellers again, but only in the virtual sense, as we have begun to explore the continent of Europe and learnt about some of the key physical features, such as: mountain ranges and...
Year 3: 24-10-24 Headfest!
We started the week with a visit to the University of Northampton as a part of BBC Radio Northampton’s Headfest, which was the celebration and promotion of mental health and wellbeing. We had an amazing time completing a variety of different activities. In class, we...
Year 3: 15-10-24 Playground painting for future historians
In our Topic lessons this week, we looked at Iron Age Hill Forts, particularly Maiden Castle. Amazingly, we learnt that it was the size of 50 football pitches! Miss Clarke, went further back in time to the Stone Age to look at cave paintings. Instead of...
Year 3: 09-10-24 Coff-tastrophy
This week we have moved from a Hot Write to a Cold Write in one week! We have completed our Hot Writes based on our own journey stories, and then we were visited by Mrs Blackwell, who told the class that teachers were no longer allowed to drink coffee. The class...
Year 3: 19.09.24 – Rolling Stones
Another week of stepping back in time – we truly love the Stone Age. We have learnt about the three different periods in the Stone Age and how things changed and adapted. This was helped by us looking at different sources of evidence; primary artefacts such as, flint,...
Year 3: 11.09.24 – Step Back In Time
What a terrific start to Year 3! We have already discovered talking fruit, through our new Talk for Writing model text – The Papaya that spoke! Looking at our history unit of work, we became hunter/gathers and used our archery skills to catch our dinner…woollly...
Year 3 Blog 2023 – 2024
Year Three: 19/01/24
This week the class have been continuing to work on Ancient Egypt, developing their knowledge about plants through experiment. This week we looked at the function of roots. Next week we will be taking a closer look at leaves and making a Canopic Jar using clay. We are...
Year Three: 05.01.24
Welcome to 2024 in Year3!!! We are studying Ancient Egyptians in Topic & Plants in Science. From next Wednesday 10th January Year3 will be going swimming. Please send your children to school with their costumes under their uniform and dry pants for after swimming.
Year Three: 17.11.23
This week has been very exciting for everyone. Apart from our visit from Steve Backshall we have been carrying out mid term assessments in preparation for our zoom meetings.There has been Diwali themed dancing, acting out the story of Rama & Sita, which everyone...
Year Three: 10.11.23
Our last 2 weeks have been very busy, and not too many photos taken. Our Year 3 runners did incredibly well. I hope they’ve told you. In our “Stunning Starter” Literacy lesson we started to grow crystals. They began really well but they have been shown too much...
Year Three: 20.10.23
This week has been a great finish to the first half term for all of us in Year 3. We have finally got the hang of adding using hundreds, tens and ones! I love that the children are enjoying their learning so much. Hopefully you have all heard about Skara Brae...