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Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Online Parents Evening - Year 3 - Year 6
Year One
WELCOME to Year 1 2024
Meet the Teacher Presentation:
Autumn 1
Year 1 Autumn 1 Newsletter:
Year 1 Newsletter 2024 September (Autumn 1)
Autumn 2
Year 1 Autumn 2 Newsletter:
Year 1 Newsletter 2024 October (Autumn 2)
Spring 1
Year 1 Spring 1 Newsletter:
Year 1 Newsletter 2025 January (Spring 1)
Spring 2
Year 1 Spring 2 Newsletter:
Year 1 Newsletter 2025 February (Spring 2)
Summer 1
Year 1 Summer 1 Newsletter:
Year 1 Newsletter 2025 April (Summer 1)
Home learning: Please bring any homework in on a Friday.
London – Home Learning
Outer Space – Home Learning
Up, Up and Away – Home Learning
VIPs of the Past – Home Learning
Down Under – Home Learning
Parent Guide for SpellingShed

Year 1 Blog 2024 – 2025
Year 1: 14.03.25
We have had an incredible week this week, getting to go on our first big school trip! We went all the way to the Think Tank in Birmingham. While we were there, we got to look at loads of exciting things links to lots of different areas of our learning. We began...
Year 1: 07.03.25
What a week! We have had a whale of a time completing our busy jobs this week, one of which was using instructions to make our own play dough. We had to use the story dice to create silly sentences, designing our own maps for an explorer to use and use our fine motor...
Year 1: 31.01.25
This week has been full of learning. We have learnt all about the Wright Brothers and their invention of flight, look8g at the differences between past and present modes of transport. We have learnt all about the different diets animals might have, sorting them into...
Year 1: 17.01.25
This week has been our computing week in Year 1 which has been a lot of fun! We have been learning all about robots, including what algorithms are and how we can give instructions clearly. We have loved working with the BeeBots. Maths has also been very exciting this...
Year 1: 10.01.25
Welcome back to 2025! This week we have got stuck right in to out new topic of 'up up and away' (flight) and animals in science. We have been working really hard with our place value in maths, understanding tens and ones. We are able to break bigger numbers up into...
Year 1: 20.12.24
Wow, last week of 2024! We have been trying really hard to consolidate our our learning so far, showing off how much we've learnt in mini quizzes and in our hot writes. We have been on a trip to the Panto this week and loved every second of it! We were so well...
Year 1: 13.12.24
We have done a lot of learning this week, starting off our week strong learning all about different continents of the world. In maths, we have really been honing our knowledge of addition and subtraction, focusing on fact families. On Wednesday, we were fortunate...
Year 1: 06.12.24
Wow… what a week. We performed our nativity to a live audience and were amazing! This week we are consolidating our maths knowledge, revisiting addition and subtraction. In our science lesson, we made our own clouds in a jar. We explored the idea of evaporation and...
Year 1: 29.11.24
Wow, another hectic week at school. This week we have spent some time rehearsing for the nativity, as well as performing to the grandparents. We were absolutely fantastic! The rest of the week we have been working very hard! We have looked at both 2D and 3D shapes in...
Year 1: 22.11.24
We have been exploring space a lot this week, both with our busy jobs and with our work in our books. We have had a lot of grammar lessons recently, focusing on structure or a sentence, adjectives, verbs and also correct grammatical order. We have been blowing Miss...
Year 1: 15.11.24
It has been a tiring week this week for year 1. We have spent a lot of time doing special quizzes this week, which we actually enjoyed doing, to Miss Sartain’s surprise. Not forgetting odd sock day on Tuesday, where we got to discuss the importance of difference. We...
Year 1: 08.11.24
First week back has been a blast. We have started very strong on our space topic, showing so much interest and sharing our knowledge we have already. We have been having loads of fun in literacy lessons writing silly sentences! Finally, in maths we have been...
Year 1 Blog 2023 – 2024
Year One: 19/01/24
This week we have been working on our stories inspired by the Gruffalo, talking about all the new vocabulary we have learnt. We have been practicing our knowledge of common and proper nouns, and started talking about verbs. We did some research this week all about the...
Year One: Spring 1 12/01/24
We’re really getting back into it now, getting back into routine has been lovely. We have been super busy this week with our computing block for the term. We have been learning how to control robots, understanding what an algorithm is and how robots use these...
Year One: 19/12/23
The last week of term before Christmas, only means one thing…. Party games and meeting Santa!
Year One: 15/12/23
Yet another amazing week. We truly embraced this terms value of courage, as evidenced by our two nativity performances this week. We did such an amazing job and made all our adults very proud! We have had a lot of Christmas fun this week and have been very arty. We...
Year One: 08/12/23
Wow… what a week. We performed our nativity to a live audience and were amazing! This week we are consolidating our maths knowledge, revisiting addition and subtraction. We have boxed up our text of the 3 billy goats gruff, correctly sequencing the story. In our...
Year One: 01/12/23
This week has been extremely busy! We have been practicing our nativity lots making sure our show is as special as possible for all our grown ups. We had an amazing visitor come in and speak to us all about science! We have learnt lots about shapes in maths. We have...