Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your reception-aged child?

We are open for tours, please contact the office. For further information, click here

Our After School Club runs everyday from 3.15pm until 6pm.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children receive healthy snacks and drinks and are involved in a range of exciting activities.

Our Breakfast Club runs everyday from 7.30am with early drop off avaiable from 8.30.

The club is supervised by members of staff from our school. The children will receive a healthy breakfast including nutritious drinks. They are also involved in a range of exciting activities. 

Ofsted Report

Pupils throughout the school have consistently good attitudes to learning and they work hard. They respect their teachers highly and say that learning is exciting.


Staff have responded positively to the much higher expectations and were quick to tell the inspector about their pride in working at Cogenhoe and about the successes they are achieving together.


Pupils wear their uniform with pride and are very supportive of each other.

01604 890380

01604 890380

Upcoming School events

Year Six


Timetable Spring 1


Newsletter Spring 2


Homework Grid – Biomes – Spring 2

Meet the Teacher:

Meet the Teacher – Year 6


Spelling Shed MTP

SpellingShed Full Scheme

SATs information:

Residential Information For Parents

Year 6 Blog 2024 – 2025

Year 6: 14.2.25

Year 6: 14.2.25

Last week of Term In Science, we went outside and labelled the parts of the heart including the valves. The children then moved through the circulatrory system as a red blood cell. They had to go through the correct valves, arteries and veins while holding aloft a red...

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Year 6: 7.2.25

Year 6: 7.2.25

 Sulgrave Manor Towards the end of our Tudor topic, we visited Sulgrave Manor to experience what life was like for the rich and poor during Tudor times. As you can see from the pictures, the children were dressed in traditional clothing for boys and girls - some...

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Year 6: 9.1.25

Year 6: 9.1.25

Welcome back! Throughout our first week back in school, we have spent Maths lessons introducing and achieving Ratio, ration into fractions and scale drawings. We have also looked at our new value of Curiosity and the children were tasked with creating a piece of art...

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Year 6: 25.11.24

Over the last few weeks, we have concluded our DAaRT programme. We have learnt about knife crime, solvent abuse and psychoactive substances. The children have written a final report about what they have learnt and how it will impact on their decision making as they...

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Year 6: 9.10.24

This week the children have been attacking column multiplication when multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. They must remember the place holder when multiplying by the tens digit but, all in all, a very successful start to the unit. In Science, we have...

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Year 6: 2.10.24

Year 6: 2.10.24

This week, the children have been investigating how adding cells to a circuit will affect the component (bulb in this case). The children also recorded how adding components would impact the brightness of the bulb in the circuit. Also, please can we all take a moment...

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Year 6: 27.09.24

Year 6: 27.09.24

This week in Maths, we have been looking at negative numbers. The children went outside and drew a numberline which they could use to help answer questions. The children moved up and down the numberline to prove their answer. Also this week, Mrs Fraser led a lesson on...

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Year 6: 06.09.24

Year 6: 06.09.24

This week we have launched our Science topic of Circuits. The children identified which circuit symbols represented which circuit component. They then attaempted to make a complete working circuit using a battery, wires and a component of either a bulb, buzzer or...

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Year 6 Blog 2023 – 2024

Year 6 – Day Five

Year 6 – Day Five

We had somewhat of a lethargic start to the day today with many only just making it to breakfast. After destroying another box of Frosties and 132 loaves of bread we had the fun activity of packing and cleaning our tents. This was more work than any activity we had...

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Year Six – Day Three and Four

Year Six – Day Three and Four

Firstly, apologies for no day three update; I was too busy pushing children off their paddleboards. Day three was a hot one! And we were on-site, down by the river and in a sun trap – the local hospital was put on alert for the burns Mr Evans would probably be...

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Year Six – Day Two – Caving and Curry

Year Six – Day Two – Caving and Curry

We started the day with a big breakfast of cereal, toast and yoghurt. Children are taking it in turns in groups of 3 to prepare the dining area and clean away after the meal. Barney’s hosting skills are on fire and I will certainly go to a party he is hosting if the...

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Year Six

Year Six

After leaving very promptly from school, we made excellent time with minimal, “Are we nearly there yet?” while still in Northamptonshire. We arrived at the service station where I can only imagine we have boosted the share prices of McDonald’s and Spar. I hope you...

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Year Six: Start to the new Year

Year Six: Start to the new Year

Welcome to the near year. So far the children have started their Tudor topic by looking how the Tudors came to power through the Battle of Bosworth in the War of the Roses. This week, the children analysed sources of evidence and then researched one of Henry VIII’s 6...

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Year Six: Final weeks before Christmas

Year Six: Final weeks before Christmas

In the finals days before Christmas, the children explored how shadows were made and how shadows can be altered when the light source angle changes. The children also showed great nibble fingers when cross-stitching their Christmas crafts.

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Year Six: Leave a Light on For Me

Year Six: Leave a Light on For Me

To complete our Diwali work, the class were very lucky to have a dance workshop. The children were put through their paces and choreographed a final dance. In Science this week we investigated how light travels. The children had to line up the small punched holes to...

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Year Six: Final week of term

Year Six: Final week of term

On the final week of term, we were delighted to welcome Mr Singh into school. He conducted a whole-school assembly and then two workshops for Year 6 and Year 5. He talked about life as a Sikh and explained the key articles within the Sikh religion: Kesh, Kangha, Kara,...

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